AJP 78 | Aseem Malhotra
— More than 1 in 1000 experience severe side-effects

Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra calls for suspension and investigation of the COVID-19 vaccine. In a peer-reviewed article, he goes through several scientific studies and concludes that the vaccine is not safe and effective. As a Cardiologist he sees serious heart problems caused by the vaccine, and he even lost his own father to a cardiac arrest following the mRNA vaccination. Figures from Norway shows that 1 in 926 people had severe adverse events from the vaccine, and according to another study the number might be as high as 1 in 300. Malhotra believes the tragedy of the past three years happened because of a broken system, where the government regulators are funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and the industry is doing the science on their own products. The Cardiologist encourages people to speak up and demand a reformation of the system.
› Sources:
› Dr Aseem Malhotra
› @DrAseemMalhotra
› spotcon.org: The Spotlight Conference
› Curing the pandemic of misinformation on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines through real evidence-based medicine
• Part 1
• Part 2
› Dr Malhotra at BBC News Live
• BBC criticised for letting cardiologist ‘hijack’ interview with false Covid jab claim
› Dr. Aseem Malhotra Good Morning Britain
› The Lockdown Files (search)
› Died Suddenly (2022)
› gbnews.com: Cardiologist Aseem Malhotra accuses Facebook of being ‘an enemy of democracy’ after suspending his account
› hemali.no: Kardiolog Aseem Malhotra tilbake til Norge: – Da faren min døde, begynte jeg å studere vaksinene
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Recorded: 2023-04-03
Published: 2023-04-07
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